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Extruder Machine |

This machine is designed to produce more or less continuous lengths of plastic sections. Its extensive elements are a tubular barrel, usually electrically heated; arevolving screw, ram or plunger within the barrel; a hopper at one end from which the material to be extruded is fed to the screw, ram or plunger; and a die at the opposite end for shaping the extruded mass. Extruder may be divided into three general types that is single screw, twin-or multiple screw, and ram each type has several variations. There are a few important characteristics of extruder machine. They are:
Low power consumption with high output
The first and main feature of this machine is it produces high end quality product in a less time span of time and without consuming high power supply. This is the basic and crucial quality, which every client look for before purchasing the machine. It saves time while producing the product. This machine is completely economical.
Easy to handle and operate
Mostly machines are made in such a varied form which are highly complicated to operate. But the extruder is a machine, which consists of various components and elements which are very user friendly and helps the operator to handle the machine in a better and easy manner. This specific quality of this machine created its own demand in the market.
Minimum manpower
This machine is semi automatic that means it requires less manpower to perform the task. Less manpower that means less consumption of time and the power supply. This machine is highly economical which helps in saving the environment and the time span.
Microprocessor based machine control panel with digital display
Due change in the technology and the increasing demand for the modern technology, this machine contains all the machine control panel in a digital form. By which the operator can easily operate the machine with the help of complete information on the display screen. The formation of digital display screen in this machine helps in generating accurate and high end product for the clients.